Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Retreat in Retrospect

The retreat was great! Everyone gave a little 'class' on different aspects of the writing process (query letters, character bible, metaphor and symbolism, writer's block, etc).

We read aloud some of our pages (which I highly recommend), and did a couple of writing exercises.

One of my favorite exercises is this: we all put 3 characters into a hat and draw out 3 random characters (make sure you don't get your own). From there, we have to write up a scene with the characters and then we read them aloud to the group. The situations are so unlikely, and usually the characters end up out of character, and we laugh until our sides are sore. ^_^

It was an awesome weekend and I'm energized to do more work on my book(s).

Thanks CRAMP-ers!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Writer's Retreat

Look! It's my monthly post. ^_^

I'm going on a writer's retreat with my awesome writing/critique group (the CRAMP) this weekend. I'm so excited! :D

I've written up my first query letter for a workshop we're going to do, and I'm all proud of myself. My first step toward querying agents for my book(s). Woot!

Now I just need to finish a manuscript.

But I've been writing pretty steadily for the past few months, so things are progressing and the CRAMP is giving me awesome feedback on the stories.

Progress is being made!
The dream is being lived!
Victory is on the horizon!
